Eau de vie

The Ostholsteiner Twingrain

9 times filtered and Hand botttled Premium Doppelkorn from the Holstein Switzerland.
0,7 liter - 38% ABV
currently not available
Article: The Ostholsteiner Doppelkorn
Country: Germany
Region: Ostholstein
Classification: Premium-Doppelkorn
Producer: D. H. Boll Spirituosen GmbH
Alcohol: 38%
Characteristics: Fine, silky and round. Made with a local Korn-making tradition that dates back to 1824, only the finest wheat and crystal-clear water of Ostholstein´s prehistoric moraines are used to create the ultimate Baltic experience.
Drink recommendation: Cooled, on ice or also at room temperature. Or as a base of classic cocktails like the Dry Martini or highballs like the Ostholstein Mule.
Further details
Country of origin: Germany
Company: D.H. Boll Spirituosen GmbH
Address: Markt 16, 24321 Lütjenburg